VIRTUAL Worm Farming Workshops
RENT OR BUY Recorded VIDEOS Of A Full Worm Farming Workshop
With Brian “The Worm Man” Donaldson
The Pricing Overview:
Special Pricing For Students & The How The Offers Are Setup
FREE Introductory Module (Pre Recorded)
Make sure to catch the introductory module which is totally free at any time for anyone to watch.
Come along and watch the introductory module and get a feel for me and my training.
Who am I? What are my qualifications & experience? What do I do?
Offer #1: JUST The FIRST Video (See How You Like It First)
RENT JUST Module 1: AUD$5.48 (Pre-recorded video – see student bonuses below)
(Come see if you like it and my teaching style before paying for more. If you want the next 3 videos, buy the four module pack.)
Offer #2: RENT OR BUY The WHOLE 4 Module Workshop
RENT ALL Four Modules 1-4: AUD$15.83 (Pre-recorded videos – See student bonuses below)
BUY ALL Four Modules 1-4: AUD$37.00
(The BEST price I can give for the whole series, bought as a set.)
The Prices I Have Set & Gumroad’s “Pay What You Want Pricing”
Gumroad has this weird thing where I can set I want for the video, but it asks you what you want to pay.
I presume it is setup this way to gather tips or donations on top of what the creator wants you to pay.
Please just pay what the videos are listed for – you absolutely do not have to pay me more.
Prices Are In Australian Dollars:
Plus the payment processor could charge you a small currency conversion fee on top.
The Details
Please NOTE: For The “RENTAL” Option (AUD$15.83)
After you get it, you have 30 days to start watching it.
Then once you start watching, you have 3 days to watch it.
You can watch it as many times as you like in that 3 days.
Then after the 3 days you cannot access it again. Just like an old-timey video rental.
For The BUY Option (AUD$37.00)
You can download the videos and watch them as many times as you like. Make sure you setup a Gumroad account or library if you want to be able to access them later. You can “stream” the videos from Gumroad rather than download them to your computer.
FREE Introduction:
PLEASE please please put zero dollars in the payment box.
Gumroad is funny like this, I can’t make it automatically free. I have to leave it as “0+” – it means you can donate some money to me (but I’m not expecting that – please have it for free.)
This video introduces you to me, who I am, what I do and what my qualifications & experience are.
You get to see how the other videos will “feel.”
Rent ONLY THE FIRST Video Module
You may only want to rent the first video, to see how you like things first, then rent the other three videos later.
Student BONUSES:
– Quick Start Guide For Composting Worms (PDF file.)
– Access to the students-only download page and students email portal.
– Send in questions to me at any time of day and I strive to answer them in 24 hours.
Rent Or Buy ALL FOUR Video Modules
The best pricing I can give.
If you buy just the first module, to get the next three, buy this four-pack.
Student BONUSES:
– Students Workshop Handbook – The full handbook I usually give face-to-face students. (PDF file.)
– Access to the students-only download page and students email portal.
– Send in questions to me at any time of day and I strive to answer them in 24 hours.
Read on for more details on what you will learn.
What You Will Learn In This Workshop:
Join commercial worm farmer Brian Donaldson as he shares practical knowledge and tips for setting up your own safe and efficient worm farm at home, and shows you how to avoid some of the common mistakes people make.
Learn how to make & care for several different worm farms:
Brian shares how to make several farms with materials you may already have at home, or be able to gain for free from the waste stream.
He shares the knowledge he has learned over many years tending worms, including how to start and run several types of worm farms and how to avoid common mistakes.
Reduce Waste:
Composting with worms reduces household waste.
The session will be of use to anyone interested in reducing the amount of their waste going to landfill. Landfills contribute to 10% of the greenhouse gases we hear about today and removes valuable nutrients from the nutrient cycle.
Gardeners: Generate A Beneficial Soil Conditioner:
Worm Compost helps gardens to thrive. This course will be of interest to keen gardeners, who want to recycle their waste into a beneficial soil conditioner containing plant available nutrients and several naturally occurring plant rooting & growth hormones.
Who Is This Workshop For?
Anyone wanting to start a worm farm at home will enjoy learning more about the subject, via a full PowerPoint presentation, with lots of great pictures. You will see Brian’s webcam records his talk in the corner of the powerpoint screen.
Kids LOVE worms too – it’s a great opportunity to teach them about the environment – or to let them teach YOU about it.
Who Is Brian & What Does He Do?
Brian is a well known commercial Worm Farmer, supplying worms throughout Australia.
You may have heard of him through facebook groups, where he admins several large groups – or from his Youtube channel. You may have seen the website come up in searches as it has so much information.
As an Educator, he works with gardening clubs, councils and agricultural stake holders such as Landcare.
Brian is the trainer to several Brisbane council programs such as: Master Composters Program (Worm Farming & Black Soldier Fly composting trainer), Libraries workshops (“Intro To Worm Farming” and kid’s activities) and as a Kid’s Collective educational activities provider.
He works with the Brisbane Garden & Plant Expo (see the reference from there) and has worked on programs with Costa. (See Costa’s comment to Brian on the Instagram post.)
He is qualified in two Horticulture disciplines and is also a qualified Horticulture Trainer.
Brian is an author of several E-books about Worm Farming.
Terms & Conditions:
Please NOTE: These videos are a “RENTAL.”
After you get it, you have 30 days to start watching it.Then once you start watching, you have 3 days to watch it. You can watch it as many times as you like in that 3 days.
Prices are in Australian Dollars.
The payment processor may charge a small fee to change from your currency to mine.
The videos in the four pack cover what you need to know to start and run a worm farms at home.
The Terms & Conditions pages from this website form part of the terms & conditions for this package:
Read on for testimonials, including Costa’s comment to Brian & the Brisbane Garden & Plant Expo testimonial.
"Second time I have sourced worms from Brian for kids natural environment and biodiversity education programs.
First time I used African Night Crawlers, this time he recommended European Night Crawlers.
On both occasions the activities and program catered for around 400 children and their parents.
Brian was incredibly helpful, and knowledgeable, provided all the information I needed and supplied healthy, active worms.
On both occasions he also harvested some worm cocoons for me which encouraged great curiosity amongst the children and adults most of whom had never seen them before.
At the end of the night some keen gardeners (and fishermen) took them home.
Thank you again Brian for sharing your expertise. I will be back again next year for worms (if the program runs again)."
- Susan, Brisbane
November 28, 2018