Moree Plains Garden Club 19/8/23

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Moree Plains Garden Club Workshops – 19/08/23

Moree Plains Garden Club Workshops 190823

This weekend I visited New South Wales, to teach at the Moree Plains Garden Club 🙂 (About 6 hours drive from home – yes, I will travel just about anywhere 🙂 )
I taught two workshops, about worms & composting.
We had over 50 people attend, with a mix of home owners and some farmers from large properties (100-500 acres.)

The club and all the attendees made us feel so welcome (thanks 🙂 )

There was keen interest in Aerated Teas and how they can help make worm castings go A LONG WAY (1 cup cast services up to 250 square metres by foliar application) – and of course about waste reduction and diversion.

I donated some items to the raffle; some samples that my friends at Bardee gave me to hand out (Soldier Fly Poo Fertiliser), aerated tea pumps, castings and some worm farm buckets.

Thanks again to the organiser Leonie and the club president Libby – and all the members – for making us feel so welcome, thank you 🙂

August 20, 2023