soldier fly

Ingrid asked 6 months ago

Hi Brian, I attended the workshop with the Toowoomba permaculture group. I have my soldier fly farm set up, nothing is happening yet. I have put in the stuff that comes from a brooder box of quails (they are little poop machines). It was dry so I wet it down so it became smelly again. I have just filled it over the start of the bottom slit in the bucket. Will I put in more?? and I have just received my larvae from  larvalicious) Do I just put them all in??

1 Answers
wormadmin Staff answered 6 months ago

Hi Ingrid
Yes, it can take a while, depending on availability of (other) food around your area, for the adults to find it.
Yes, just put the larvae into the farm.
Try also adding some used coffee grounds and meat/fat etc.
Thanks for sending your question