Black Soldier Fly Larvae Composting – BSFL

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 BSFL Or Black Soldier Fly Larvae Composting:
An Alternative Or Addition To Worm Composting

Waste – To – Protein:
Could this insect solve our food waste crisis, supply protein to feed our animals and as a byproduct, also feed our soils?


FREE DIY Instructions On Building & Starting The Farm:

Click Here For FREE PDF FILE


Version One (Not Current Version)

Note in the images below, you can see version 1 and version 2.

Below is a BSFL farm made from a bucket (the bucket is also from the waste stream, REFUSING and REUSING as waste reduction strategies, while seeking to ROT food wastes – see waste hierarchy below.)

BSFL Bucket Farm - Front - Brian The Worm Man Donaldson

Version 1 – Front

BSFL Bucket Farm - Top - Brian The Worm Man Donaldson

Version 1 – Top

BSFL Farm - Slit Bucket V2 - Brian The Worm Man

Version 2 – Front


Black Soldier Fly Larvae Bucket Farms For Sale (Like In The Pictures Above)

BSFL Bucket Farm – Waste To Protein !

Could this insect solve our food waste crisis, supply protein to feed our animals and as a byproduct, also feed our soils?

A BSFL farm made from a bucket (the bucket is also from the waste stream, REFUSING and REUSING as waste reduction strategies, while seeking to ROT food wastes – three waste reduction strategies – see waste hierarchy on linked product page below.)


Please check the pickup page for the current prices:

Click Here For Pickup Price List (Collingwood Park 4301)

One bucket BSFL farm only: Comes with lid only – you supply egg collector; shade cloth and gravel for drain layer; leachate and larvae collection containers; starting food etc

One bucket BSFL farm With The LOT: Comes with lid; egg collector; shade cloth and gravel for drain layer; leachate and larvae collection containers – you supply starting food etc

Note: bucket is a 15 litre one, sourced from the waste stream.

Larger Units Available On Demand (ask Brian):

Larger units can be made on demand out of a 200 litre plastic drum, you get two units from each drum.
Or you can DIY from the pictures supplied above.

(Prices may be outdated. Please see up to date pricing at


Until I publish my own Complete Ebook, here are some E-Books by friends of mine:

Black Soldier Fly - Eco Technology For A Sustainable Future

Click Here For Larry's E-Book



Black Soldier Fly Composting - By Quoc-Huy

Click Here For Huy's E-Book




Waste Hierarchy Pyramid - By Brian The Worm Man - 2022

Waste Hierarchy Pyramid – By Brian The Worm Man – 2022