For Schools, Pre-School & Kindy, ELC & OSHC, Vacation Care & Child Care Centres, Scouts & Guides Shopping Centres, Events, Property & Land Developers Opening Days/Green Education
Education For Waste Reduction, Worm Farming, Hot & Cold Composting, Black Soldier Fly Composting & Applications
Servicing Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan, Redlands, Moreton Bay, Scenic Rim, Somerset, Lockyer Valley
"I can go anywhere" - please call me to discuss your event.
"I teach kids & adults to reduce waste, via worm farming & composting - through workshops and fun, engaging and educational activities, incursions & event
Please contact me so we can discuss how I can help you.
Just ask for the info pack to be emailed to you. It has details on the activities and base pricing.
- Educational Incursions – An Overview
- Teacher’s House Call Service
Details Of Activities Provided
- Worm Farming Incursion
- Dig & Discover Worm Experience & Shorter Incursion
- Special Bug Investigation
Make-and-Take: - Little Worm Farmers
- Recycled Racing Worms
- Make A Grass Head Pet
- Make A Mini Worm Farm & Dig & Discover Your Own Worms
- Other educational visits available
- Some Grant Options – An Incursion plus supply of worm farms with worms
- Educational Event Entertainment & An Overview Of An Expo
- More/other activities available
- Details & Testimonials Of Previous Activities & Events
For details of children’s activities, please see further down this page.
Also, please see the gallery at the bottom of this page to see some of my previous customers and events.
Overview: Educational Incursions & Teachers' Education
(For details on LOTS of kids activities, please scroll down.)
Educational Incursions
For Schools, Pre-School & Kindy, ELC & OSHC/Vacation Care
Young Children Learning About Worms & Waste Reduction
Educational incursions suitable for schools, preschools, Kindy, ELC & OSHC child care centres, Scouts, Guides, Church groups, home school or community care groups.
(Please see the testimonial by the owner of the Brisbane Garden & Plant Expo.)
I have activities to engage, entertain and educate kids from zero to five years old; and for 5 plus years old (I’m a BCC Kid’s Collective Activity Program contractor.) Even older children and adults like the activities.
For children, I can offer you these Incursions:
¨ Worm Farming Incursion
¨ Dig & Discover LIVE Worm Experience
¨ Special Bug Investigation
Incursions with Make-And-Take activities
¨ Little Worm Farmers
¨ Recycled Racing Worms
¨ Grass Head Pets
¨ Make A Mini Worm Farm With LIVE Worms
For Teachers & Educators, I can offer you:
¨ Professional Development Workshop (Worms & Composting)
¨ Grants – Help designing system, assessing waste stream etc.
¨ Teacher’s House Call service
Teacher’s House Call:
¨ Teach small groups of teachers how to successfully use worm farms & compost bins or systems at the school etc.
For details of children’s activities, please see further down this page.
Also, please see the gallery at the bottom of this page to see some of my previous customers and events.
Please contact me so that we can discuss how I can help you.
I can then give you a fixed price for the first visit.
Teacher & Educator Professional Development Worm Farming & Composting Workshop
(Ready To Deliver)
Participants At Ipswich PD Workshop
Learn from a qualified & experienced expert.
How to start & operate worm farms & hot/cold composts in your centre, to help educate about waste reduction & waste diversion.
Teachers & Educators Professional Development Workshop
A certificate is issued to help you justify the training for your PD hours.
I go through a lot of myths & common mistakes and teach the correct, safe way to use the systems and their products.
Participants get access to a special resource page to draw written resources and information from.
Usually about 2 hours long, with a 15 minute break in the middle.
I bring along several examples of DIY type farms to teach about, plus the one that people all know. These DIY farms can be made from what you may already have, or be able to get from the waste stream for free, or close to free.
This workshop is two hours long, with a 15 minute break in the middle.
It can be adjusted for your requirements, for length or subject matter & resources.
I can create a special resource page just for your
Please ask me to design something just for you.
Send Brian A Message:
Teacher's House Call:
Waste Reduction &/Or
Worm Farming & Composting
Inspect current facilities, assess your waste stream and help you satisfy your objectives.
Adult Students Watching Brian Demonstrate Aerated Teas
Are you trying to work out what to ask for in a grant?
Maybe the compost smells or the worm farm is not working right?
Or you just want someone to check and make sure . . .
This on-site visit may include:
- Inspect your current worm farming & composting facilities. Offer advice on how to improve them.
- help you assess your waste stream.
- help you decide which systems suit you best and how many you may want or need.
- give you advice on how to better satisfy your objectives with waste diversion.
I can help teachers & educators in many ways, for example:
I may be able to setup a package for your grant, like small or large in-ground systems and combine that with an incursion to teach everyone about worms and how to care for them.
Please contact me so we can discuss how I can help you.
I can then give you a fixed price for the first visit.
Please contact me so we can discuss how I can help you.
Just ask for the info pack to be emailed to you. It has details on the activities and base pricing.
Activity / Incursion Details
Please contact Brian for a free info pack, with activity details and base pricing - or for a quoted price for your incursion or event.
" Worm Farming Incursion "
Worms, composting and waste reduction is SO important that we are taking worms to the stars . . .
(Subjects can be tailored to the subjects you want.)
” Worm Farming Incursion “
♦ Talk to the children about worms, composting and waste reduction (tailored to the subjects you want.)
♦ Inspect your existing worm farm and offer advice on how to fix it or improve it.
♦ I usually bring along to show the children: live composting worms, live worm eggs, large African & European Night Crawlers, soil dwelling worms and live beneficial composting bugs.
♦ Includes up to 45 minutes with the children – plus up to 15 minutes for the health check.
Send Brian A Message:
" Dig & Discover Worm Experience "
(And Short Worm Farming Incursion)
Investigate live worm farm material in activity trays, plus a short worm farming incursion.
” Dig & Discover Worm Experience “
Kids investigate live worm farm material in activity trays, looking for and investigating live worms, live worm eggs and insects.
Incursion/talk element is shortened.
All ages love this activity – from toddlers to teens; including parents and grandparents.
Includes ” Short Worm Farming Incursion: “
♦ Talk to the children about worms, composting and waste reduction (tailored to the subjects you want.)
♦ Inspect your existing worm farm and offer advice on how to fix it or improve it.
♦ I usually bring along to show the children: live worm eggs, large European Night Crawlers and live beneficial composting bugs.
♦ Includes up to 45 minutes with the children – plus up to 15 minutes for the health check.
Did you know that worm poo is so “clean” that it is used in beauty products?
Send Brian A Message:
" Special Bug Investigation "
(With Magnifiers)
See & HOLD Live Stick Insects !
See & HOLD Live Worms !
Explore the cool world of LIVE worms, bugs and nature, using magnifiers . . .
” Special Bug Investigation “
Use illuminated magnifying glasses to investigate bugs, worms and cool things !
This activity is educational and interesting, enjoyed by kids, teachers & parents.
The children will see & learn about:
♦ LIVE stick insects (that children can HOLD briefly)
♦ LIVE worms, LIVE worm cocoons
♦ LIVE beneficial composting bugs
♦ Dig & Discover LIVE Worms
♦ Dig & Discover Plastic Bugs – Can You Find Them?
♦ Bugs encased in resin
♦ Bug catchers – live specimens & how to make them at home & care for bugs kindly
♦ An interesting snake skin from my parents’ farm (just interesting to kids)
♦ Info/learning cards displayed at most stations.
♦ Featuring large hand-held illuminated magnifying glasses that are easy for the kids to operate.
♦ Includes up to 45 minutes with the children – plus up to 15 minutes for the worm farm/compost health check.
Send Brian A Message:
Incursion Activities With A Make-And-Take:
" The Little Worm Farmers Program "
Create a Nature-Journaling inspired worm farm drawing.
Kids learn about worm bedding and food and how to feed a worm farm.
Look at live worms, worm eggs & good composting bugs !
Plus lots of cool photos and stories.
Children learn about worms and waste, while drawing on and coloring in a naturejournaling-inspired drawing, to take home.
Brian talks to the children about important subjects like waste reduction & waste diversion; the importance of worm farms and composting; and plays a waste game with the children.
They learn about worms in the process and what else, naturally, lives in the worm farm (other than worms.)
Blank drawing, lots of example cards for inspiration and coloring pens supplied.
♦ The children see live worms, live worm eggs and live beneficial composting bugs; with added photos of cool things.
♦ Children learn about waste, waste reduction & diversion; worms and worm farms, what does & doesn’t go in them and why.
♦ The drawing gives the children something to take home to show and tell their family, to share and help remember the lessons. Resource link incl. to learn more at home.
Art supplies, activity sheets, inspiration, ideas and live specimens supplied.
Nature Journaling?
Nature journaling helps teach children about connection-to-place and is not about any skill as an artist.
It teaches to document, build and dwell on experiences we have with nature; to increase our connection to everything around us.
Did you know that composting worms are SO important that we will be taking them to MARS ?!!!
Send Brian A Message:
"Recycled Racing Worms"
Curly, Speedy, Flash, Daffodil and Stripes
They Just CAN’T WAIT For Some Friends
To Race With, In The Worm Racing Arena !
Children have FUN crafting their own unique Recycled Racing Worm.
Then put on a Worm Racing Harness …
& Go To The Worm Racing Arena !
Children have FUN crafting their own unique Recycled Racing Worm !
Get creative, decorating with different colors & designs.
Add some eyes and a face and name your Racing Worm !
Attach your Worm Racing Harness, then enter the Worm Racing Arena !
Have fun and race with other players to the finish line.
(We are re-using from the waste stream, so everyone’s a winner !)
HOURS of fun at home, racing with your friends !
HEAPS of fun for 3+ year olds.
All materials supplied; from the waste stream (& clean.)
Children learn about waste, waste reduction & waste diversion by example. Brian talks to the children about important subjects like waste reduction & waste diversion; the importance of worm farms and composting; and plays a waste game with the children.
Includes up to 45 minutes with the children – plus up to 15 minutes for the health check of your worm farm or compost.
Did you know that composting worms are SO important that we will be taking them to MARS ?!!!
Send Brian A Message:
" Make A Grass Head Pet "
Kids make a neat, low maintenance pet, with hair they can trim . . .
Make your own unique pet “grass head”.
Design your own face on the cup, using provided examples of eyes, noses, mouths & other designs.
Fill the cup with soil.
Plant the seeds for it’s hair.
Then carefully sprinkle on a little magical worm compost to make them sprout quicker and grow a lot thicker – no magic actually included, only worm compost 😀
Water the cup lightly with a spray bottle or spoon measure.
Make sure you give your new pet a name.
At home, water your pet often, but lightly. Use a misting bottle or a spoon measure.
Watch the hair grow on your new pet over time.
Trim the hair into a cool hair cut to make your pet an individual. You might like to put ribbons in their hair or trim it into a cool ‘do!
Send Brian A Message:
" Make A Mini Worm Farm And Dig & Discover Your Own Worms "
Children are invited to make a mini worm farm – with worms that they dig and discover themselves from the worm farm material in the trays . . .
The worm farm is made using a 2 litre plastic milk bottle and shredded cardboard, all repurposed from the waste stream. All materials supplied.
Children “Dig & Discover” their own worms from trays where some worm farm material has been tipped out.
Kids learn about recycling and re-purposing from observing what is used for the activity. They learn more about worms by looking after their own worm farm.
Did you know that worm poo is so “clean” that it is used in beauty products?
Send Brian A Message:
" VIRTUAL / ZOOM Worm Farming Incursion "
Worms, composting and waste reduction is SO important that we are taking worms to the stars . . .
(Subjects are tailored to the subjects that you want/in your curriculum.)
” Virtual Worm Farming / ZOOM Incursion “
♦ Talk to the children about worms, composting and waste reduction (tailored to the subjects you want.)
♦ Talk to you about your existing worm farm and offer advice on how to fix it or improve it.
♦ Other subjects added to suit your curriculum or questions or problems that you have etc.
♦ Includes up to 45 minutes with the children.
♦ Resources & info supplied digitally.
♦ Zoom connection supplied by client/by arrangement.
Send Brian A Message:
Please contact me so we can discuss how I can help you.
Just ask for the info pack to be emailed to you. It has details on the activities and base pricing.
Other Educational Visits:
" Worm Farm Health Check & Mini-Workshop "

Brian can visit your site and perform a worm farm health check and give you advice on how to improve . . . and even do a Mini-Workshop with you and or your students . . .
Not getting the best out of your system, or looking to improve or enlarge your operation?
Brian can look at your worm farm and your current practices and give you advice on how to improve.
A Mini-Workshop can be completed with you and or your students, on a wide range of subjects.
Advice is given verbally, then sent afterwards in an email, with any documents you need attached.
Priced upon application, dependent on how much travel is involved.
Time on site generally limited to 30 minutes, but longer sessions can be catered to.
" Wheelie Bin Delivery, Setup & Mini-Workshop "
A Wheelie Bin CFT (Continuous Flow Through) can hold FOUR TIMES the worms when compared to a common stacking farm . . .
If you are buying a Wheelie Bin CFT, Brian can deliver it and set it up, as well as give you a mini-workshop on setting up, feeding & harvesting a CFT, along with any other info you would like to learn.
Priced upon application, dependent on how much travel is involved.
Time on site generally limited to 30 minutes, but longer sessions can be catered to.
Do You Have A Sustainability Grant? Here Are Some Options For You:
(Please ask me if I can help you with your grant application. A custom package can be designed just for you.)
Do You Have A Sustainability Grant? Here Are Some Options For You:
(Please ask me if I can help you with your grant application. A custom package can be designed just for you.)
Package 1:
Worm Farming Incursion +
3 or 6 x Garden Feeding Station Worm Farms
(Cut-Down Buckets)

$275.00 – Incursion for up to 30 children (within 30 mins drive of 4301)
$135.00 – 3 x Garden Feeding Station, each has 100 grams worms and 500 grams conditioner & starter bedding materials – value $195 (cut-down buckets)
$265.00 – 6 x Garden Feeding Station, each has 100 grams worms and 500 grams conditioner & starter bedding materials – value $390 (cut-down buckets)
Free calculator at
Buckets Used:
The buckets that I use come from the waste stream, so they are very environmentally friendly.
The bucket Garden Feeding Station is our MOST successful, easy-to-use system on the smaller end of the scale.
For details of children’s activities, please see further up on this page.
Also, please see the gallery at the bottom of this page to see some of my previous customers and events.
Please contact me so that we can discuss how I can help you.
I can then give you a fixed price for the event.
Package 2:
Worm Farming Incursion +
3 or 6 x MEGA Garden Feeding Station Worm Farms
(Cut-Down Wheelie Bins)

$275.00 – Incursion for up to 30 children (within 30 mins drive of 4301)
$747.00 – 3 x MEGA Garden Feeding Station, each has 200 grams worms and 500 grams conditioner & starter bedding materials (Cut-down wheelie bins)
$1494.00 – 6 x MEGA Garden Feeding Station, each has 200 grams worms and 500 grams conditioner & starter bedding materials (Cut-down wheelie bins)
Free calculator at
Bins Used:
Approx 120-150 litre bins, cut down in height. Sourcing bins from the waste stream, TBC.
The bins I use come from the waste stream, so they are very environmentally friendly.
I adjust the height to suit your hole (important in soil that is hard to dig in) and off cuts are returned to the recycling waste stream.
The bucket Garden Feeding Station is our MOST successful, easy-to-use system on the smaller end of the scale.
These bins are MUCH larger than the bucket, so will maintain a good population of worms.
For details of children’s activities, please see further up on this page.
Also, please see the gallery at the bottom of this page to see some of my previous customers and events.
Please contact me so that we can discuss how I can help you.
I can then give you a fixed price for the event.
Please contact me so we can discuss how I can help you.
Just ask for the info pack to be emailed to you. It has details on the activities and base pricing.
Educational Event Entertainment - A Quick Overview Of An Expo:
Educational Event Entertainment
(Events, shopping centres, grand openings etc.)
Brian With Dirt Girl & Scrap Boy At The Green Heart Fair
Free Play Activities:
Free Play activities allow events or venues to advertise that they have free kid’s entertainment.
Activities are offered with the option of suitable hand cleansing options after messy activities, such as water hand washing station with anti-bacterial soap or hand sanitiser.
Stick Insects may be available for a display or small talk, if available from the Stick Insect Lady. Insects are chosen that have not developed to the “final instar” where they have wings. Different insects may be available by arrangement.
(Please see the testimonial by the owner of the Brisbane Garden & Plant Expo.)
Kid's Activities At The Brisbane Garden & Plant Expo 2020 (With COSTA)
Costa Georgiadis & 120 School Children
The Kids Nature Club
(& Public Kids Zone)
School groups of up to 120 children completed all four activities in “the Kid Zone”, in rotation and got to spend some time with Costa
They received a special Plant Expo Passport to “The Plant Expo Kids Nature Club” (come join our Facebook group.)
Kids, teachers and parents alike had a fun and educational experience.
Teachers received a take-away pack of information including: school curriculum and classroom extension information, the answers to the questions in the Kids Club passport, information about the activities and the activity providers, care instructions for take-home articles and topical puzzles to share with their class.
Brian also engaged and entertained children in the public sessions with the stick insect display and the set activities.
For this expo, Brian supplied two educational and fun activities. They included:
Make A Mini Worm Farm With Worms: kids take home a mini worm farm made from a repurposed milk bottle.
Special Bug Investigation: kids use a magnifier to investigate resin cast insects, live worms, live worm eggs and when available, a live stick insect display.
Other Activities Available:
" Composting, Worm Farming
& Waste Reduction - The Little Composters Program "
NEW ACTIVITY, info being added . . .
Kids learn from interactive games based around waste reduction, composting and worm farming.
In this activity, children learn about composting and worm farming, what wastes can be composted, what go into recycling, what goes into landfill, what is landfill and strategies to reduce waste & landfill.
They learn about the waste Hierarchy, what it means and how they can help reduce waste in their household, school or community group.
“Dig & Discover” worm experience included.
This activity can be changed to place more emphasis on composting or worm farming, as suits your requirements.
" Fun With Boats "
Kids make a FUN boat with supplied materials.
Then they get to play with some sample boats in water, keeping theirs dry for the trip home . . .
Choosing from several designs or a blank sail, they decorate their sails.
This activity uses paper straws and “pine boat takeaway plates” and plain paper.
After they have finished their boat, they can play with some sample boats in water, to keep theirs dry for the trip home.
“Dig & Discover” worm experience may be included.
May be paired with “Spoon Characters” and we can make “Pirate Spoons.”
" Magnetic Spoon Characters "
Using wooden spoons with a magnet on the back, children make a spoon character. The only limit is their imagination . . .
" Ring Rockets
& Spinning Helicopters "
Kids Fashion A Cool Ring Rocket & A Spinning Helicopter . . .
Kids Fashion A Ring Rocket and a Spinning Helicopter !
The kids choose a design to color in, from several supplied pre-printed designs, decorate it and cut it out. The ring rocket can fly long distances!
Spinning Helicopters!
Kids cut out and decorate paper to make a spinning helicopter ! The principle of auto-rotation is in use in this activity.
Kid safe scissors and colored texters are supplied.
Nature Discovery
With Magnifiers
In Nature Discovery, kids investigate and discover the wonders of nature, unseen by the naked eye . . .
Using powerful illuminated magnifiers, kids discover the intricate detail of things such as feathers, leaves, flowers and seeds.
They may also look at worms, worm eggs and live composting bugs as well.
Even your own hair, skin and fingernails are amazing under magnification.
While materials are supplied, we may be able to investigate some materials from your location as well.
" Make A Pet Rock "
(With Living Hair)
Kids make a neat, low maintenance pet, with hair that actually grows . . .
Make your own unique pet rock. Choose your own rock from different sizes and colours.
Design your own face, using provided examples of eyes, noses, mouths & other designs.
Then add some living hair. Watch the hair grow on your new pet over time.
Make sure you give your new pet a name. At home, keep your pet’s hair watered lightly with a spray bottle.
All materials supplied including rocks, hair, glue, art supplies & example sheets of face features & decorations to copy suggestions from.
Please contact me so we can discuss how I can help you.
Just ask for the info pack to be emailed to you. It has details on the activities and base pricing.
Some Past Events & Incursions:
Learning Pathways EEC - With Brian The Worm Man
May 2023 - Dig & Discover Kids Activity
(This is a video)
[video width="616" height="712" mp4=""][/video]
Goodstart Early Learning Belmont:
Worm Farming Incursion, 22nd June, 2022
Incursion Completed By Brian The Worm Man
Event Date: 22nd June, 2022
Event Name: Worm Farming Incursion
Event Location: Belmont, Brisbane
Event Suiting Ages: 4-5
Comments: The subjects I was talked about were:
- Worm farming is important to divert food waste from landfill
- Other benefits of worm farming
- What can be placed in the compost bin and worm farm from our lunches and what should not
- Fun worm facts and info
- Worm eggs/cocoons
- The children LOVED seeing the live worms & bugs, especially being able to hold the large Euro worms !
- The educator's loved the laminated reference card and the Teacher's & Educator's Resource Pack as a whole.
BCC Kids Collective Make A Mini Worm Farm - October 2021
Kids Collective Roma Street - 1st October 2021 - Make A Mini Worm Farm[/caption]
Event Completed By Brian The Worm Man
Event Date: 1st October, 2021
Event Name: BCC Kids Collective - Make A Mini Worm Farm
Event Location: Roma Street, Brisbane City
Event Subjects: Kids make a worm farm with worms to take home.
Event Suiting Ages: 3+
Comments: Children are taught about taking craft materials from the waste stream, by showing them how to take an old milk bottle and some cardboard to make a worm farm.
They are taught about worms by keeping them at home in their mini worm farm. Full care instructions supplied digitally.
Balmoral House Private Preschool Incursion, 3rd May 2022
Incursion Completed By Brian The Worm Man
Event Date: 3rd May, 2022
Event Name: Incursion - Worm Talk & Dig & Discover Worm Experience
Event Location: Balmoral, Brisbane
Event Suiting Ages: 2-93
Comments: The subjects I was talked about were:
- Composting and worm farming are important to divert food waste from landfill
- Benefits of composting and worm farming
- What can be placed in the compost bin and worm farm
- Fun worm facts and info
- Worm eggs/cocoons
- The children LOVED the Dig & Discover Experience !
BCC Kids Collective, Roma Street
Make A Mini Worm Farm Activity
I was employed by Brisbane City Council (BCC) to run a kid's activity for the Kid's Collective program.
This activity is "Make A Mini Worm Farm With Worms To Take Home."
We completed more than 120 activities, with a total of 190 people "checked in," including parents.
We had to adjust some aspects for COVID rules; but the kids still had a great time.
The child you see here has done 2 other activities with us as well at other kid's collective days; surely a waste warrior in the making.
(Permission gained from parent for photo. Childs face not shown.*)BCC runs some great programs for kids, including some really educational programs.
Well done BCC !
30th May 2021: BCC Green Heart Fair
I was pleased to be able to meet the famous Dirt Girl & Scrap Boy of #Dirtgirlworld fame.
I met them at the BCC Greeheart Fair when I was working there.
I was doing a kids activity (Grass Head Pets) and speaking on stage about waste reduction, composting & worms.
Just missing Costa to make a perfect photo.
Maybe if I photoshop him in from the plant expo photo? hmmmm . . .
(Someone from Facebook suggested we should make a new kid's show called The Wriggles - ROFL !)
Playhouse OSHC, St Lucia
April, 2022 - Worm Farming IncursionFacebook Post:
Playhouse Childcare and OSHC is at The University of Queensland.
In 2021, Playhouse has made it our mission to incorporate more sustainable practices into our everyday routines. As a starting point, our Perenties room have created a worm farm to help sustainably dispose of food waste and create a natural liquid fertiliser for our vast gardens!
In March, we were lucky enough to be visited by Brian The Worm Man who showed us the ins and outs of worm care. Our children were captivated from the get go, asking all sorts of questions from “What do worms eat?” to “Can worms live on the moon?” We cannot thank Brian enough for educating our future environmental leaders about the many benefits of worm-keeping and the significant positive climate and environmental impacts
#stressfreechildcare #childcare #earlylearning #playhouse #playhousechildcare #children #newparents #families #care #education #learningthroughplay #learning #earlyyears #toddlers #kindergarten #earlychildhood #baby #parents #school #qualitychildcare #childdevelopment #childcareprovider #kids #daycare #UQ #OSHC #UQchildcare #PlayhouseOSHC #nurture #activekids
BCC Green Heart Fair - Chermside - May 2021
Event Completed By Brian The Worm Man
Event Date: May 2021
Event Name: Green Heart Fair
Event Location: Chermside
Event Subjects: Worm farming, composting, waste reduction, simple easy DIY worm farms made from the waste stream.
Event Suiting Ages: Adults & Kids
Comments: The subjects I was asked to talk about were:
- Composting and worm farming are important to divert food waste from landfill
- Benefits of composting and worm farming
- Different composting methods
- How to set up a compost bin and worm farm at home
- What can be placed in the compost bin and worm farm
- Finding a compost system that suits your home (apartment, small yard with limited space, garden and acreage)
As a qualified and experienced trainer I can design a program to suit you, your audience and your message.
Update - Playhouse OSHC St. Lucia - Incursion
(P.S. Perenties is the name of one of the groups of children)
Facebook & Instagram Post:
Since our visit from Brian The Worm Man our Perenties have gone worm-crazy!Using the tips Brian gave in his presentation about worm care, the Perenties have authored and illustrated a “Worm Book” to help others interested in worm farming take the leap. You can find a copy of the Perenties’ “Worm Book” in our reception and in the Perenties classroom.Brian’s visit was part of Playhouse’s 2021 goal to become more sustainable. Our worm farm aids us in this mission by providing us an environmentally responsible way to dispose of food waste and giving us a natural fertiliser for our gardens!#stressfreechildcare #childcare #earlylearning #playhouse #playhousechildcare #children #newparents #families #care #education #learningthroughplay #learning #earlyyears #toddlers #kindergarten #earlychildhood #baby #parents #school #qualitychildcare #childdevelopment #childcareprovider #kids #daycare #UQ #OSHC #UQchildcare #PlayhouseOSHC #nurture #activekids
BCC Kids Collective - Kids Activity Event With Brian The Worm Man - 2020
Event Completed By Brian The Worm Man
Event Date: 2020
Event Name: Make A Mini Worm Farm With Worms To Take Home
Event Location: BCC Kids Collective, Roma Street Parklands
Event Subjects: Worm farming, composting, waste reduction
Event Suiting Ages: Children / Kids - Ages 5 to 12 Years Old
"Second time I have sourced worms from Brian for kids natural environment and biodiversity education programs.
First time I used African Night Crawlers, this time he recommended European Night Crawlers.
On both occasions the activities and program catered for around 400 children and their parents.
Brian was incredibly helpful, and knowledgeable, provided all the information I needed and supplied healthy, active worms.
On both occasions he also harvested some worm cocoons for me which encouraged great curiosity amongst the children and adults most of whom had never seen them before.
At the end of the night some keen gardeners (and fishermen) took them home.
Thank you again Brian for sharing your expertise. I will be back again next year for worms (if the program runs again)."
- Susan, Brisbane
Please contact me so we can discuss how I can help you.
Just ask for the info pack to be emailed to you. It has details on the activities and base pricing.
Popular searches leading to this page: incursion,activity,kids,school,preschool,oshc,elc,vacation care,child care,scouts,guides,worm,worm farm,worm farming,waste reduction,Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan, Redlands, Moreton Bay, Scenic Rim, Somerset, Lockyer Valley