Develop: Help To Develop Your Business Products Or Education Services

$450.00 incl GST

This product should only be purchased after Brian instructs you to come and pay for it.

Please note the price is an hourly rate.
You may be asked to purchase multiples of this product where help is to be given in blocks of multiple hours.

Note: The price is in AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS and is PER HOUR.

See details section below for more information and terms & conditions.

3 in stock



Short term help is priced at $450 per hour (with this hourly product.)
Blocks can be negotiated and priced at $2000 for 6 hours (upon application and negotiation, Brian will setup a coupon code for your purchase.)


This hourly help will be used to help you setup information and services to teach others, help design education services and or short courses etc.

The hourly segments of the help are not totally served face-to-face or answering questions directly.

Some of the time may be used to initially assess the questions, communicate with the client to refine the question or information, or formulate responses to the question and deliver the information to the client etc etc etc.

How  Is This Product Different From The $220 An Hour One?

The $220 an hour is to help you learn for yourself.
The $450 an hour one is to help you to teach others.
Please contact me to work out which one you need to purchase, PRIOR to purchasing please.


Terms & Conditions:

“The client” refers to the customer paying Brian for the help.

“Brian” refers to Brian Donaldson, the owner of this business, representing the website (Sole Trader ABN 49715945388)

Please note:

  • All information given is general only
  • Information is prepared to the best of Brian’s ability
  • Information given may be prepared without taking into account the clients countries laws; or their personal or business circumstances, their financial objectives, situations or needs
  • Information is given on the basis of the information collected by Brian or given to Brian as a starting position
  • All care but no responsibility is taken by Brian for any Information given
  • Clients should undertake to research the laws in their own country and state to do with running a business and vermiculture/vermicomposting operations
  • If any legal challenge is made, all parties agree to have the case heard in a Queensland, Australia court, pursuant to Australian law
  • All payments are final, no refunds will be made
  • The client agrees that Brian’s decision on time keeping is final and binding
  • Brian takes no responsibility for how you or your employees or volunteers operate your business or your worm farms
  • Brian takes no responsibility for the safety or quality of products from the worm farm which may be used by you or sold to others
  • Brian, at his discretion, may direct the client to research materials for themselves, including referring them to use other memberships they may hold, buy and read E-Books or where Brian believes they may be best served, he may direct them to talk to other people in the community that hold a specialty in a certain area
  • Brian may advise the client to start learning about worms before going further.   Brian may refer the client to Workshops that Brian or others conduct, for the client to complete prior to going further.   Workshops or learning could be from face to face Workshops, to virtual/recorded Workshops or books/E-books recommended etc.

Please see other Terms & Conditions on the website:


Some Info About Brian:

My Formal Qualifications:

♦ Brisbane City Council Certified Master Composter (& worm farming & black soldier fly composting trainer to the program)

♦ Cert. 4 Training & Assessment (TAE 40116)

♦ Cert. 3 Horticulture ♦ Cert. 3 Rural Operations & Herbicides

♦ “AC/DC” – Unrestricted chemical distribution licence (for Herbicides)

♦ Blue Card As A Business (working with children.)

♦ Public Liability for holding events – $20 Million


My Background & Experience:

♦ Brisbane City Council Master Composter Trainer – worm farming & black soldier fly composting

♦ Experienced & Qualified Trainer – Vermiculture (Worm Farming); Horticulture; Rural Operations & Herbicides

♦Trainer – Northey Street City Farm (Worm Farming & Composting etc.)

♦ Experienced in Horticulture – Mowing & Gardening Contractor for 10 + years

♦ Commercial Worm Farmer since 2013 (at Collingwood Park)

♦ I have been farming worms for over 25 years at home

♦ I lived on a small crop farm at Lowood, from age 6 to 17. My family still live on our family farm in the Lockyer Valley


Pricing does not include GST and is a total price payable – Not Reg’d for GST