African worms

Greg asked 7 years ago

Are the African worms suitable for salt water fishing?

1 Answers
wormadmin Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Greg

As I havent actually fished in a long time, I’m more of an expert on the worms side than the fishing side. Best bet would be to ask around fishing guys what bait suits what.

I HAVE seen a video a guy did, where he put a EURO in a glass of VERY salted water and timed it, it was still kicking 70 minutes later in the video.

From what I understand, euros would handle salt water better than africans.
I sent some euros with my son when a friend took him salt water fishing, and he caught fish with them.

And estuary fishing would be easier on them than outright salt water.

Sorry I can’t be of more help,

Thanks for asking your question
