CFT in IBC / bulky / tote

Andrew Pickard asked 3 years ago

Hi Brian, 
I’m looking at making a CFT out of an IBC. Do you know if anyone has tried this before and if it was successful?
Cheers, Andrew

1 Answers
wormadmin Staff answered 3 years ago

Hi Andrew,

Ive heard people say they were going to try it but ive not seen anyone post a “success story” about one.

My feeling with all these wonderful ideas is that it takes a bit of work to build one and up to a year before you get first harvest – its a lot of work to do on a maybe.

If you decide to give it a go, drop me a line down the track and let me know how it went.

My own wooden CFTs (BEAST CFT) are still going well after 5 years so design seems good.
Ive had a lot of people purchase or rent the plans and not had any negative feedback.

For my wooden BEAST CFT’s I have a set of written plans and follow along videos, available for rent or purchase. The plans can be unscaled or downscaled to suit you. Find them here:

Thanks for asking your question
