Hungry bin

Cherie asked 3 years ago

Hi Brian, I watched your CFT video and you mentioned cutting 4 x 6 inch holes in it for more air. I have a hungry bin. Would the worms benefit from me cutting holes of this size towards the top of the bin? What do you glue down your flyscreen with – is it silicon? Thanks Cherie 

1 Answers
wormadmin Staff answered 3 years ago

Hi Cherie
Yes, Hungry Bin suffers from several known manufacturing fault – one being lack of airflow that causes lots of condensation, not to mention several more issues.

Yes, it will benefit from more air.

If it is under cover, the best place may be a larger hole in the lid.

Yes, I use roof and gutter silicone (same as is used in rainwater gutters etc.)

Thanks for asking your question
