Manure and feeding red worms

Kyle bagley asked 7 years ago

What type of zoo manure like gorilla or elephant  or rhino or giraffe manure can I add to my worm bin?

1 Answers
wormadmin Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Kyle,
Manure is always a tricky one. I feel that manure is a ticking time bomb and I don’t want to get caught in the blast.

You should do your own research into how to use it safely in your own country. Different countries have different laws regarding using manure – I have been told that some in Europe forbid it out of hand – in the USA they have laws governing it’s use that they are talking of making a LOT more strict.
One of the issues with ANY manure is possible pathogens. Generally this is reduced (but not removed completely) by hot composting. But proper hot composting also removes much of the nutrient value to worms.
Another is the issue of anti-biotic resistant DNA, which may be spread into your body and or your food chain by using affected manures.
I’m not going to tell you you CAN’T use manure – but I’m also not going to sit here and advise you to use it carelessly. I have to put it back on you to research it more in your own country.

Following are some links to articles on ABR bacteria.

Thanks for asking your question,
Anti Biotic Resistant Bacteria (ABR)
original program:
“Highly drug resistant UTI’s happen ALL THE TIME”: