Mr Gordon Agnew

Gordon asked 4 years ago

Hi Brian, I’m from Sunshine Coast Council and we’re having a Tilapia family fishout Day in early May. Could you please tell me which worms are best to catch Tilapia and what size hooks we should you use. The tilapia we’re targeting range from about 20-40cm.This is our first event and we plan to do many more within our constructed water bodies. Also, are your worms available all year round? We would be looking to get the worms delivered the day before the event.

1 Answers
wormadmin Staff answered 4 years ago

Hi Gordon

That sounds excellent, well done to the council for educating about the pest fish.

The tilly comps use the african night crawlers, the cheaper of the two bait species.

About the hook size, I know a fair bit about worms but little about fishing – is Charlie from FFSAQ/LAFMA attending the day? Those guys or your local fishing club would be able to answer your question.

Yes, the africans are available all year round, but early ordering will mean I can set aside worms for you and be on top of the order when the time comes.

Please contact me to talk about your requirements.
For the comps I usually supply them “cupped” in cups of 10 worms.
This becomes harder when shipped. Usually the empty cups and the bulk worms are shipped to you for you to pack – this saves on volume so saves on shipping costs.
If you need me to cup them and send them like that, I’d have to work out how best to help you.

Please reach out to me,

Thanks for your question

0419 419 572