Preparing bedding

Pete asked 6 years ago

Hi Brian
thanks so much for your info & videos, I’ve found them invaluable to getting my worm farms started. I have a styrofoam box farm & a cft farm. I’ve been using a mix of composted grass, aged horse manure, & coffee grounds as bedding which I’ve been soaking in a bucket for a few days before adding under food (fruit & veg scraps). The worms seem happy & seem more numerous after 3-4 weeks. My question is whether soaking the bedding is a good idea or not? It saves watering the farms as much, but would it reduce, drown, the microbes in the material? 

1 Answers
wormadmin Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi Pete
Soaking or pre moistening the bedding is great, so long as the worm farm actually needs moisture. It’s a great way of adding moisture, so that water doesnt run through the bedding, leaching away goodness etc.
Often worm farms are run way too wet, to make leachate on purpose, which is not such a great idea.

Thanks for asking your question