
Tanya asked 3 years ago

Hi Brian,  Thanks for your extremely informative website. You are certainly a wealth of knowledge. I have a question regarding watering the garden after castings have been applied. I never use chlorinated water in my worm farms at all as I know this kills the benificial bacteria and I just place a bucket of water in the sun for a couple of days however I have quite a large garden and don’t have access to tank water to water it. When I water the garden from the tap (chlorinated water)  is this killing the bacteria in the castings and defeating the purpose of using them as fertiliser? TIA

1 Answers
wormadmin Staff answered 3 years ago

Hi Tanya
Thanks for the compliment 🙂

I wouldnt worry about it too much.
If tap water killed off the microbes in soil, all town gardens would be devoid of life.

Adding aerated tea or castings to gardens helps introduce and sustain more microbes.

Thanks for your question
