When to start

Martin Smith asked 5 years ago

Hi Brian,
I’ve been bought a worm farm container and am itching to get started. I live in Ipswich and it’s still cold at this time of year.
When would be the best time to start adding worms to it?
Cheers Martin

1 Answers
wormadmin Staff answered 5 years ago

Hi Martin

It really depends on the environment where you are keeping them.
If it is protected, like in your home, garage or shed, you can start right away.

If it’s out exposed to the elements and it gets very cold where you are, it might pay to wait a little while until temps are better – or place the farm in a protected spot until it gets up to speed.

If you dont want to start with worms now, start the bedding off in the farm, and each week add a handfull of old leaves to keep feeding the bacteria in the farm. This will give a very quick start when you introduce the worms.

Quick start instructions (and more info) can be found on the resources page here:


You may also like to attend a workshop to learn – Im doing one at Northey Street in August, details at


Thanks for asking your question !
