Workshops Info Page / Adult Education
(Also Suitable For Older Children)
Waste Reduction By: Worm Farming, Composting, Black Soldier Fly Larvae
Garden Applications Including Aerated Castings Tea & Microbial Inoculants
Face-To-Face Workshops
School Incursions & Teacher's House Call
More Workshops To Be Published Soon
(In Brisbane)
Please contact me so we can discuss how I can help you.
Just let me know what interests you.
If you would prefer I call or text you, please give me your phone number and which time/s are preferable.
Next FULL DAY Workshop:
The Waste Warriors & Master Gardeners Workshop
Saturday 30th September, 9am - 4pm At Northey Street City Farm, Brisbane
Tickets On Sale Soon
The Waste Warriors & Master Gardeners Workshop
A Full Day Workshop From Northey Street City Farm & Brian The Worm Man
Saturday 10th June, 9am – 4pm At Northey Street City Farm, Windsor
Featuring a huge range of waste diversion & gardening tips & tricks; with a Teas & Microbial Masterclass !
Are you sick of waste, but don’t know where to start?
You may have tried some things, but they didn’t work out right . . .
Brian will teach you the right way and support you afterwards with fantastic written resources and backup through the students’ page.
Join commercial worm farmer Brian Donaldson for this fantastic full day event and learn about a huge array of waste reduction & waste diversion tactics.
THEN, learn how to apply these to your gardens !
Waste Diversion & Resource Production:
Learn about many different worm systems; to hot & cold composting and weed teas; and how to apply their products to the garden.
Learn about the common “pest” insects in worm farms; what may have made them a problem and how you might be able to fix it.
Learn about Black Soldier Fly Composting – from DIY farms to interesting info about what the commercial guys are doing.
Teas & Microbial Applications Masterclass:
Learn about Aerated & Non Aerated Teas, from small to large systems.
Learn about natural, microbial applications such as EM1 (Bokashi), LABS (Lactic Acid Bacterial Serum), and IMO1 (from Korean Natural Farming.)
Learn what they actually DO for our soil/plant microbiome, in an introductory level session.
PLUS, student’s all take home one litre of worm cast, PLUS a 1 cup tea bag and a 4 litre tea bag. Enough for 4 small brews, or one large brew.
Brian shows you how to brew right away with no special equipment – you just need a bucket and some water !
PLUS Students special – reduced prices on items: please pre-order and ask for an invoice to pay beforehand, or pay in cash on the day. The list is at:
The Waste Diversion & Gardening Tool Box:
♦ Worm Composting – from a small bucket to a 3 metre long worm farm on site at Northey Street and many in between. Brian shares many tips and tricks from his years as a commercial worm farmer, setting you up for success.
♦ Black Soldier Fly Composting – amazing creatures that may save the world from our waste epidemic AND the looming food epidemic ! Do you have chickens? OMG – you NEED Soldier Fly Larvae ! Brian also teaches this amazing subject for BCC Master Composters & BCC Libraries. Study two DIY systems, one takes 6 minutes to make, the other 6 hours ! Learn about companies RIGHT HERE in Australia, poised to make a huge difference to our waste stream. Briefly study some commercial companies, from Australia & overseas.
♦ Hot & Cold Composting & Weed Teas – great go-to’s for overflows of organic waste at home.
♦ Bugs Study – Briefly study bugs from the Worm Farm & Composts – what ARE all those bugs, what are they doing, how do they turn up, what makes their population explode and how can we control them if need be ?
The Teas & Microbes Master Class
All of these have multiple uses and advantages around the home.
We briefly study each; with an info sheet on the student resource page for reference for each process:
♦ Teas Masterclass – study multiple working aerated and non aerated tea systems; suiting small gardens, to up to 4 acres !
♦ A Brief Intro to Microbes & The Soil Microbiome – what ARE we actually doing and why ?
♦ A Brief History of microbial applications Bokashi (EM) & Korean Natural Farming (IMO).
♦ Bokashi (EM) – Learn to use and expand this valuable tool; expanding a common spray bottle up to 16 times ! Or use a concentrate to expand into many, many applications of bran !
♦ Korean Natural Farming (IMO1) – Learn to collect cultures for this amazing microbial application and how to use it, for many uses.
♦ Lactic Acid Bacterial Serum (LABS) – an amazing probiotic, with applications in pets diets; odour reduction in pet or animal manure, urine and bedding; speeding up precomposting/composting and much, much more !
This day includes:
♦ A tour of the facilities at Northey Street.
♦ LOTS of demos, investigations & hands-on experiences.
♦ After-Workshop Support: students get access to the special paperless resources page. Find PDF printable info sheets for all of the processes that we discuss, including some that may not be publicly available.
♦ 50% Off Coupon For Digital Products – included on student page for Brian’s digital, paid-for resources, should you want them.
♦ Students Special – Reduced Prices On Items: please pre-order and ask for an invoice to pay beforehand; or pay in cash on the day and receive a receipt.
The list is at:
Teachers & Educators - Professional Development & Workshops
Teacher & Educator Professional Development Worm Farming & Composting Workshop
(Ready To Deliver)
Participants At Ipswich PD Workshop
Teachers & Educators Professional Development Workshop
Learn from a qualified & experienced expert.
How to start & operate worm farms & hot/cold composts in your centre, to help educate about waste reduction & waste diversion.
A certificate is issued to help you justify the training for your PD hours.
I go through a lot of myths & common mistakes and teach the correct, safe way to use the systems and their products.
Participants get access to a special resource page to draw written resources and information from.
Usually about 2 hours long, with a 15 minute break in the middle.
I bring along several examples of DIY type farms to teach about, plus the one that people all know. These DIY farms can be made from what you may already have, or be able to get from the waste stream for free, or close to free.
This workshop is two hours long, with a 15 minute break in the middle.
It can be adjusted for your requirements, for length or subject matter & resources.
I can create a special resource page just for your
Please ask me to design something just for you.
Teacher's House Call:
Waste Reduction &/Or
Worm Farming & Composting
Inspect current facilities, assess your waste stream and help you satisfy your objectives.
Are you trying to work out what to ask for in a grant?
Maybe the compost smells or the worm farm is not working right?
Or you just want someone to check and make sure . . .
Adult Students Watching Brian Demonstrate Aerated Teas
This on-site visit may include:
- Inspect your current worm farming & composting facilities. Offer advice on how to improve them.
- help you assess your waste stream.
- help you decide which systems suit you best and how many you may want or need.
- give you advice on how to better satisfy your objectives with waste diversion.
I can help teachers & educators in many ways, for example:
I may be able to setup a package for your grant, like small or large in-ground systems and combine that with an incursion to teach everyone about worms and how to care for them.
Please contact me so we can discuss how I can help you.
I can then give you a fixed price for the first visit.
Recorded Workshop And Private Visits/Workshops
Virtual / Recorded Workshop
Students Watching An Aerated Castings Tea Demo At Workshop
The same Workshop I served at Face-To-Face Workshops.
Usually a half day Workshop if served Face-To-Face.
This four part video series can be hired for three days (like an old time video rental) or purchased so you can watch it as many times as you like.
FREE Intro Video, so you can see how the training “looks.”
" Worm Farm Health Check & Mini-Workshop"

Brian can visit your site and perform a worm farm health check and give you advice on how to improve . . . and even do a Mini-Workshop with you . . .
Not getting the best out of your system, or looking to improve or enlarge your operation?
Brian can look at your worm farm and your current practices and give you advice on how to improve.
A Mini-Workshop can be completed with you and or other interested parties, on a wide range of subjects.
Advice is given verbally, then sent afterwards in an email, with any documents you need attached.
Priced upon application, dependent on how much travel is involved.
" Wheelie Bin Delivery, Setup & Mini-Workshop "
A Wheelie Bin CFT (Continuous Flow Through) can hold FOUR TIMES the worms when compared to a common stacking farm . . .
Get this AMAZING system, delivered and setup for you, with a Mini-Workshop . . .
If you are buying a Wheelie Bin CFT, Brian can deliver it and set it up, as well as give you a mini-workshop on setting up, feeding & harvesting a CFT, along with any other info you would like to learn.
Priced upon application, dependent on how much travel is involved.
Time on site generally limited to 30 minutes, but longer sessions can be catered to.
Workshops Developed - Ready and Waiting (Or For Private Workshops)
"Black Soldier Fly Larvae Composting"
The FUTURE Solution To World Food Waste & World Hunger

What You Will Learn In The Workshop:
Black Soldier Fly Larvae Composting, With Brian The Worm Man
Have you ever wondered:
¨ “What is The NEXT BIG THING on the Waste Diversion bucket list?”
¨ “How can we save our world from the environmental disaster that is our food waste and organics disposal crisis?“
¨ “How we are going to discourage and divert mass organic waste land fill disposals?“
¨ “How can we save ocean fish, while producing valuable nutrients for our soils, supply resources to other industries and so that people won’t go hungry in the future?“
¨ Have you ever wondered how to turn food waste back into protein rich food for chickens, fishing or other pet food?
Find out what companies are just about to do, that will make them absolutely millions upon millions of dollars, with our waste…
This workshop will be of keen interest to gardeners and waste warriors alike.
Learn how to generate beneficial soil conditioners from your organic waste – even meat and fish!
All while reducing your waste to landfill.
And also, what can you do if you have too much waste to treat onsite?
Learn about the future of waste reduction and how it can help safeguard our food security.
Join Brian in this half day workshop and explore the amazing world of waste reduction and diversion that is Worm Farming and Black Soldier Fly Composting.
Brian shares many tips & tricks, with many demos and first hand investigations, of both of the amazing creatures; and how to start a farm with either or both.
This workshop has been presented in part or whole at: BCC Master Composters (2019-23), Northey Street City Farm (2022-23), BCC Libraries (2022), Redland Council Enviro Fair (2023).
It can be presented in short form, as part of a larger waste reduction workshop; or as a standalone, full workshop.
"Responsible Waste Education"
CONFUSED about what can be recycled?
Whats this NEW FOGO System mean?
Need more waste OPTIONS?
Or just some reliable info on what's what?

What You Will Learn In The Workshop:
- The NEW FOGO System: What it is and how can we best use it? Is it IN your area or coming soon? What can you put in it IN YOUR AREA
- Recycling/Yellow Bin: Talk about what is appropriate to put in the yellow bin IN YOUR AREA. You may be surprised what should and should NOT go in a bin; and what happens when the bins are contaminated !
- “Greenwashing” Awareness: How are companies PRETENDING to be green and what’s to be done? How to tell if something is TRULY compostable at home. What slips through the machines and is discarded to landfill?
- Waste OPTIONS: Learn about all of the MANY OPTIONS there are out there. MORE ways to help reduce your waste.
- Website Resources Portal: – where you will find all of the free info sheets for all of the processes we discuss and more, plus a handy email form to use to contact Brian.
Suited For / Is THIS You?
You may be a keen environmentalist – but you just don’t know what to do or who to believe anymore….
You WANT to do the right thing but you want to learn more about the processes.
There is just so much GREENWASHING going on….. There should be a law against it !
A little About Me:
I am a BCC Certified Master Composter (and a Teacher in the program.)
I am a keen waste reduction educator, working with SEVEN local councils.
I have done the hard work FOR YOU in compiling the written resources.
The workshop is just a bonus, ask me all your questions about your issues with systems. Get help from an expert.
More about-me:
"Aerated Castings & Compost Tea"
& Other Liquid Applications
Extras Available AT Special Prices:
Brewing Kits, Tea Bags, Castings, Garden Hose Applicators

What You Will Learn In The Workshop:
Aerated Castings Tea – Non Aerated Castings Tea – Castings Water Extracts:
Three brewing systems are brought along to be shown to the students:
- One is a smaller brewer with a simple aeration system, suited to smaller home use, brewing up to 5 to 10 litres of tea.
- The second is a mid sized brewing system, with an optional 15mm Bubble Pipe aeration system, brewing up to 32 litres of tea.
- The third is a larger brewing system, with an optional 32mm Air Lift aeration system, brewing up to 175 litres of tea.
Suited For / Is THIS You?
You may be a keen gardener – or just someone who wants to use their castings on more plants than you can currently.
You may have ALREADY learned how to generate beneficial soil conditioners for your garden, from your waste ….
BUT HOW DO YOU USE THAT COMPOST For Best Efficiency ? You get only a LITTLE bit of worm castings – how do you stretch that out into a bigger garden?
With This Workshop You Get:
• Learn how to make JUST ONE CUP of castings into a tea that can be applied to a garden up to 25 metres x 25 metres, or 650 square metres ! That’s a WHOLE SUBURBAN BLOCK !
• See and learn about three brewer sizes – capable of brewing from 5 litres to 175 litres of tea – to apply to up to 11 acres of plants !
• A FREE Mini Tea Bag AND Four Litre Tea Bag (both empty)- you can make a tea when you get home with your own castings or compost, or buy a small bucket to take home – Brian shows you how !
• Brian’s NEW Mini Tea Guide – Full (printed) written instructions on how to brew tea teas.
• Access to the Worm Farming At Home Student’s Portal – where you will find all of the free info sheets for all of the processes we discuss and more, plus a handy email form to use to contact Brian.
• Optional Pump Kits etc – at reduced prices for students.
Packages Available For Students At Reduced Prices:
Please see the “add-ons” when purchasing your ticket for a full list with prices.
Available Options:
- STARTER Pump Package – brews up to 5 to 10 litres
- ADVANCED Pump Package – brews up to 32 litres
- ADVANCED Aerator Option – 15mm Bubble Pipe
- PRO Pump Package – brews up to 175 litres
- PRO Aerator Option – 32mm Air Lift
- Worm Castings – 3 litre and 20 litre buckets available
WHAT IS Aerated Castings Tea And What Does It DO For You ?
Why Make Aerated Worm Castings Tea?
The biggest reason is to make a little bit of castings go a LONG way.
Teas also allow you to strain out any weed or volunteer seeds, keeping them out of your garden.
JUST ONE CUP of castings can be used to make a tea that can be applied to a garden up to 25 metres x 25 metres, or 650 square metres !
That’s a whole suburban block worth of plants with ONE CUP of castings !!
"Raising Bait Worms For Home Use"
For Fishing Or Feeding Pets
(Not For Commercial Production)
Worms & Worm Farm Kits Available As An Extra
If you buy worms, this workshop is the same cost as buying 7 buckets of 50 Africans or 4 buckets of 50 Euros – a real bargain !
With This Workshop:
• Learn how to raise composting type worms (bait worms are composting-type worms)
• Learn how to maintain a breeder colony of African or European worms
• Learn how to take worms from the breeding colony and grow them out to large size, suitable for fishing or feeding to pets
• Optional worm farm kits available at reduced prices for students
• Access to the special Bait Worm Farming At Home Student’s Portal – where you will find all of the free info sheets for all of the processes we discuss and more, plus a handy email form to use to contact Brian (individual password access)
• Other optional items available – at reduced prices for students, see below
Who/What Is This Course For?
For people with little to no experience raising worms…..
If you LOVE fishing, but don’t love having to buy bait – or buying bait from a servo and being disappointed time after time.
If you have a pet like an axolotl, or fresh water stingray, that LOVES worms, and you want to try to raise your own food for them.
This course will teach you a method to raise “bait sized” African OR European Night Crawlers for home use – large worms used widely for fishing and pet feeding. I am teaching a method that is very similar to how I raise these worms to sell.
I will show you how to start and maintain a colony of “breeders” and how to then grow worms out to size from that stock.
Raising worms to bait size is not a simple or one step process. You may have tried before and failed. You may have tried to raise normal composting worms and failed. I’m sorry to hear that, but it is quite common. There’s so much misinformation and too many voices on the internet, how do you make sense of it all?
The first step in this process is to be able to raise “composting worms.” I teach this professionally at many Workshops. Then you need to know the extra steps required for starting and maintaining a breeding colony- and fattening worms to size. I teach you and show you all of the steps, with examples so that you know what to look for.
If you want to make this into a business, or grow worms at scale, this system is not suitable for you – but it will be a good starting point for you, especially if you have little or no experience in raising worms. Then you can grow it into a larger output over time; and if you need help to transition to a higher production, you can hire me to help you – or I can refer you along to someone or something that suits your goals.
What Is Included?
I teach you about composting worms in general and African & European Night Crawlers in particular.
(Please remember this system is for home use, not commercial or large scale production.)
This course has two parts:
Part 1 – Raising Composting Worms and
Part 2 – Fattening Worms To Bait Size
In Part 1 – Raising Composting Worms, I show you:
(Bait species are composting-type worms)
• How to start, feed and use worm farms successfully to raise composting worms and some common myths & mistakes to avoid
• The often misunderstood role of carbon vs nitrogen in the worm farm, how to add these materials successfully
• Do’s and don’ts, common mistakes and how to fix common problems you may encounter in the future
• “Worm Foods To Avoid List” – and WHY the foods are on there
• Worm species identification and uses. Why composting & garden worms are different.
• Full written instructions on starting and operating this type of worm farm in the Virtual Students’ Resources
In Part 2 – Fattening Worms To Bait Size, I show you:
For both European and African Night Crawlers, specifically:
How to use the bucket type farms for raising breeders and growing worms out to size:
• How to start and maintain a colony of “breeders”
• How to grow baby worms out to a large size
• What to feed, what not to feed and why; and what to watch for when feeding
• How to rescue bins that have “gone sour”
• What environmental conditions you have to monitor or supply/change from season to season
• Examples of simple types of worm farms you could make at home if you want to – or you can buy one of the special packs at the workshop (details below)
• I will bring along examples of systems at different stages to show you what you are looking for
• An overview of the common problems faced by the home worm farmer and their solutions
• An overview of the other popular system for raising worms, the Cocoon Breeding System. (I don’t teach you the Cocoon Breeding System, but I can refer you to a course after you complete my course, if you wish to learn more)
• Virtual Students’ Resources Page – printable/viewable PDF’s (a computer document) of info sheets for all of the processes taught. Available for you forever, as long as you don’t share the password to others (via individual password access)
Additional Materials/Resources After The Workshop:
- “The Big Book Of Answers” E-book – a 50% off coupon code for my E-book – a great reference for raising composting worms
- Virtual Students’ Resources Page – printable/viewable PDF’s (a computer document) of info sheets for all of the processes taught, plus a handy form to contact Brian for express help. Available for you forever, as long as you don’t share the password to others (via individual password access)
OPTIONAL Packages Available For Students At Reduced Prices:
Please see the “Add-Ons” when purchasing your ticket for a full list with prices.
The Add-On offers are sort of a “Starter” package and a “Supersized” package.
The Starter is 50 breeders and one worm farm. You can take worms home right away and get a breeding cycle started.
The Supersizes is 50 breeders, 50 babies and THREE worm farms. You start a breeding cycle AND a grow-out cycle and have a spare farm for a second growout cycle.
Available Options:
Starter Package Includes:
• 50 breeding size worms (to start your first breeding cycle)
• ONE Stacking Bucket Worm Farm With Tap, incl. starting bedding
• ONE stick-on thermometer
• 375 grams Worm POW! Feed
• 500 grams worm farm conditioner
$65 +fee AFRICANS Starter Package: (Value $85)
$85 +fee EUROS Starter Package: (Value $105)
“Supersize” Package Includes:
• 50 breeding size worms (to start your first breeding cycle)
• 50 small size worms (to start a growing out cycle)
• THREE x Stacking Bucket Worm Farms With Tap, incl. starting bedding
• THREE stick-on thermometers
• 750 grams Worm POW! Feed
• 1.2kgs worm farm conditioner
$130 +fee – AFRICANS SUPERSIZE Package: (Value $190)
$150 +fee – EUROS SUPERSIZE Package: (Value $220)
*You will need at least 3 of these farms in time – you can make others yourself or buy them from me later at $35 per stacking bucket system, ex Collingwood Park.
*Each “bucket farm” is made up of two buckets, stacked together, with a tap in the bottom bucket and a lid with a large hole cut in it, covered by aluminium insect screen.
* 375 grams of Worm POW! Feed will feed one farm for about 16 feedings. You will be taught feeding options and methods in the Workshop. This feed is a complete food – a mix of grain food and mineral “conditioner” including Zeolite Rock Dust.
“Plus FEE” Pricing
The ticketing platform, Eventbrite, charges a small fee on purchases.
Students pay this fee. For example, with an add-on for $60, the fee is
$4.39. For full pricing, see the event/ticketing site and click purchase
ticket, see the add-ons with their full pricing.
What IS NOT Included?
Business ventures/growing at scale:
This course is designed for teaching people to raise “bait worms” for use at home. Once it becomes a business, or you want to scale up – like to supply a bait shop or as a part time business – a lot of things would have to change. I can help you with this transition, but it is not included in this course.
If you are making this a business, you may like to have a Private Workshop, either in place of this course, or in addition to this course to refine any parts that need it. You can also pay for my hourly help afterwards – details at
I don’t teach you the Cocoon Breeding System, but I can refer you to a course after you complete my course if you wish.
Personal/private help after the course is not included.
Just like when you do a TAFE course, you don’t get personal help from your trainer after the course finishes.
Of necessity, I have to charge for the time I spend, as this is my “job”.
The course is professionally delivered by someone qualified to teach (me) and experienced in raising worms. It contains all of the information you should need to succeed, but you need to learn things by experience to succeed repeatedly, so some mistakes and failures are expected.
You may not be instantly successful – this is not a golden turn-key kind of thing, we don’t just throw worms in a bucket of trash and come back in 3 months to find money laying there waiting for us – there are lessons to learn by experience etc.
If you have any questions about clearing up the content of supplied information, I’d like to know, so I can improve the supplied information in future. Please ask me any questions you may have and I will try to help.
An option, especially if you are making this a business, is to pay for my hourly help after the course – details at
"Worms, Composting, Black Soldier Fly, Teas & Microbial Inoculants"
The MEGA Workshop !
(Actual Workshop name to be confirmed.)
A TWO Day Workshop:
(Probably a Saturday & Sunday, 9am to 4pm)
Subjects To Be Confirmed – check back later or subscribe for updates.
Workshop Date & Subjects To Be Published Later In The Year
Please Check Back Or Subscribe For Updates:
"Worm Farming
& Composting At Home"
At Northey Street City Farm
(Windsor, Brisbane)
Tickets Available for 20th July
Learn How To Raise Composting Worms At Home, Hot & Cold Composting, Intro To Aerated Teas And MORE !
• Students get: Access to the Worm Farming At Home Student’s Portal – where you will find all of the free info sheets for all of the processes we discuss, plus a handy form to use to contact Brian.
About This Event
Are you sick of putting food and garden waste into landfill? You
may want to learn how to generate a beneficial soil conditioner for your
garden from your waste ….
Worm Farming & Composting reduces household waste and helps gardens to thrive.
course will be of interest to keen gardeners, who want to recycle their
waste into a beneficial soil conditioner containing plant available
nutrients and several naturally occurring plant rooting & growth
Join commercial worm farmer Brian Donaldson in this half
day workshop, as he shares his practical knowledge, tips and tricks for
setting up your own safe and efficient worm farm and compost heap at
home, and shows you how to avoid some of the common mistakes people
This Workshop Includes:
-All students receive access
to the Virtual Student’s Handbook page – a paper and resource saving
collection of all the info sheets from the Workshop. Over 70 pages of
info all in one handy place.
-Included is a tour of the composting & worm farming facilities at Northey Street.
teaches how to make several worm farm types with materials you may
already have at home, or be able to gain for free from the waste stream
and how to avoid common mistakes with them.
-We will also briefly study making aerated castings tea and easier liquid applications such as
non-aerated castings tea, castings water extracts and weed teas (anaerobic teas).
"CFT Wheelie Bin Workshop"
Ticket Includes Wheelie Bin & Worms
& Bring A Guest At No Charge !
Brisbane & Logan residents may qualify for a Council rebate !
Sat. 23rd April, 10am-12pm
At Bulimba Library
Workshop Includes:
A Wheelie Bin CFT & Worms To Take Home
With A Workshop To Run It Successfully
(Plus Bring A Guest At No Charge)
If you already bought a wheelie bin from me, (OR WANT TO DIY YOUR OWN) you can grab a reduced price ticket for $60 plus $4.39 fee)
About This Event:
Customers who have bought a wheelie bin from me previously (OR WISH TO DIY THEIR OWN) may attend this workshop for a cost of $60 (+$4.39 fee) – please contact me for how to purchase your ticket.
With This Workshop You Get:
• Residents may qualify for a Brisbane Council $70 rebate or a $50 Logan Council rebate on worm farms (see rebate info at
• A Wheelie Bin CFT, with starter bedding (value $299)
• Workshop for two people – Worm Farming At Home PLUS special attention to making, starting, feeding & harvesting a CFT Wheelie Bin ($120 value)
• 400 grams composting worms (value $140)
• 2 x 1.25kg bags of conditioner (value $30)
• 1 x harvesting rake (value $10)
• Full (printed) written instructions on how to start and feed the Wheelie Bin CFT
• Access to the Worm Farming At Home Student’s Portal – where you will find all of the free info sheets for all of the processes we discuss, plus a handy form to use to contact Brian.
• Delivery available, please ask me for a fixed price (starting at $35 within 15 minutes drive of Collingwood Park 4301.)
(PLUS May Qualify For $70 BCC Rebate)
"Worms & Wine"
A Special Event/Workshop At
Tarragindi Community Garden, Brisbane
Worms & Worm Farm Included With Ticket
New Dates Coming In 2022 - "Subscribe For Updates"
What Do You Get ?
• A one hour workshop with Brian, a full time commercial worm farmer & qualified and experienced educator
• A “Garden Feeding Station” in-ground worm farm, with lid (bucket type)
• Starter bedding for the worm farm (clean cardboard in a compostable brown bag)
• 250 composting worms approx. (actual 50 grams by weight)
• 500 grams Worm Farm Conditioner (a valuable mineral supplement)
What Will You Learn ?
• How to start, feed and use this worm farm successfully and some common myths & mistakes to avoid
• Heaps of information about worms; like why garden worms and composting worms are different; and how creating Garden Feeding Stations can draw in and nourish native soil dwelling worms
• Full (printed) written instructions on starting and operating this worm farm
Location & Drinks/Licensing:
2022 Dates TBA
Wellers Hill Bowls Club, 34 Esher St Tarragindi
Licensed premises – buy your own drinks, no drinks included in the Workshop price.
Workshops Available For Delivery
(+ Custom Workshops Available)
- Worm Farming &/Or Composting At Home (With Small Common Or DIY Systems)
- Waste Education: FOGO & Appropriate Recycling: Yellow bin waste stream, “Greenwashing” Awareness & Waste OPTIONS
- Aerated Castings Tea – Non Aerated Teas – Castings Water Extracts
- Black Soldier Fly (Larvae) Composting
- Traditional Hot & Cold Composting & Variations
- Larger system training/education available, suited to large properties or hobby farmers.
- CFT & WEDGE Systems (Larger Systems For The Hobby Farmer)
- Commercial Consulting For Large Systems Or Projects
A Workshop can be designed to suit your audience and message.
Some Previous Workshops & Events For Adults:
Moree Plains Garden Club Workshops - 19/08/23
This weekend I visited New South Wales, to teach at the Moree Plains Garden Club 🙂 (About 6 hours drive from home - yes, I will travel just about anywhere 🙂 )
I taught two workshops, about worms & composting.
We had over 50 people attend, with a mix of home owners and some farmers from large properties (100-500 acres.)The club and all the attendees made us feel so welcome (thanks 🙂 )
There was keen interest in Aerated Teas and how they can help make worm castings go A LONG WAY (1 cup cast services up to 250 square metres by foliar application) - and of course about waste reduction and diversion.
I donated some items to the raffle; some samples that my friends at Bardee gave me to hand out (Soldier Fly Poo Fertiliser), aerated tea pumps, castings and some worm farm buckets.
Thanks again to the organiser Leonie and the club president Libby - and all the members - for making us feel so welcome, thank you 🙂
BCC Library - Ashgrove - June 2021
Event Completed By Brian The Worm Man
Event Date: June 2021
Event Name: Introduction To Worm Farming At Home
Event Location: Ashgrove Library (BCC)
Event Subjects: Worm farming, waste reduction, worm castings application methods, simple easy DIY worm farms made from the waste stream.
Event Suiting Ages: Adults
Comments: At the BCC Library, Ashgrove, I completed a Workshop: Intro To Worm Farming & Composting At Home.
Brisbane Council has some neat programs to educate about Waste Reduction, Composting & Worm Farming.
BCC Green Heart Fair - Chermside - May 2021
Event Completed By Brian The Worm Man
Event Date: May 2021
Event Name: Green Heart Fair
Event Location: Chermside
Event Subjects: Worm farming, composting, waste reduction, simple easy DIY worm farms made from the waste stream.
Event Suiting Ages: Adults & Kids
Comments: The subjects I was asked to talk about were:
- Composting and worm farming are important to divert food waste from landfill
- Benefits of composting and worm farming
- Different composting methods
- How to set up a compost bin and worm farm at home
- What can be placed in the compost bin and worm farm
- Finding a compost system that suits your home (apartment, small yard with limited space, garden and acreage)
As a qualified and experienced trainer I can design a program to suit you, your audience and your message.
Radio Interview Completed By Brian The Worm Man
Event Date: May 2021
Event Name: Worm Farming At Home
Event Location: Radio Interview, Victoria
Event Subjects: Worm farming, waste reduction, common myths and mistakes, fixes to common worm farm problems.
Event Suiting Ages: Adults & Kids
Comments: Facebook Post:
Yesterday I interviewed Brian Donaldson on our community radio show Dig It - Gardening is not cancelled. You can listen for free on mixcloud. The interview starts at about 26mins. Enjoy!
Thank you Brian for you generosity with your knowledge.
Recorded Broadcast:
BCC Library - Grange - May 2021
Event Completed By Brian The Worm Man
Event Date: May 2021
Event Name: Introduction To Worm Farming & Composting At Home
Event Location: BCC Library, Grange
Event Subjects: Worm farming, waste reduction, worm castings application methods, simple easy DIY worm farms made from the waste stream.
Event Suiting Ages: Adults
Comments: BCC has some neat programs for waste reduction and education in their system.
Worm Farming & Composting At Home Workshop - Northey Street City Farm, Windsor - April 2021
Event Completed By Brian The Worm Man
Event Date: April 2021
Event Name: Worm Farming & Composting At Home
Event Location: Northey Street City Farm, Windsor
Event Subjects: Worm farming, composting, waste reduction, worm castings application methods, aerated castings tea, simple easy DIY worm farms made from the waste stream.
Event Suiting Ages: Adults
Comments: I run Workshops at a Community Garden called Northey Street City Farm (NSCF), in Brisbane.
NSCF run many workshops and events and have a BCC Composting Hub on site, where they teach people about composting and help them compost some of their waste (great for apartment dwellers.)
Here you see me doing a demo about Aerated Castings Tea.
I try to put many demos and tours or hands on stuff in the larger Workshops so people don't get bored looking at the screen.
BCC Mt Gravatt Library - Workshop Event With Brian The Worm Man - March 2021
Event Completed By Brian The Worm Man
Event Date: March 2021
Event Name: Introduction To Worm Farming & Composting At Home
Event Location: BCC Library, Mt Gravatt
Event Subjects: Worm farming, composting, waste reduction, worm castings application methods, simple easy DIY worm farms made from the waste stream.
Event Suiting Ages: Adults
Event Completed By Brian The Worm Man
Event Date: 2nd November 2019
Event Name: Introduction To Worm Farming & Composting At Home
Event Location: BCC Library, Mitchelton
Event Subjects: Worm farming, composting, waste reduction, worm castings application methods, simple easy DIY worm farms made from the waste stream.
Event Suiting Ages: Adults
BCC Grange Library - Workshop Event With Brian The Worm Man - 12 Oct 2019
Event Completed By Brian The Worm Man
Event Date: 12th October 2019
Event Name: Introduction To Worm Farming & Composting At Home
Event Location: BCC Library, Grange
Event Subjects: Worm farming, composting, waste reduction, worm castings application methods, simple easy DIY worm farms made from the waste stream.
Event Suiting Ages: Adults
Albert Valley Wilderness Society - Cedar Creek - August 2019
Event Completed By Brian The Worm Man
Event Date: August 2019
Event Name: Introduction To Worm Farming & Composting At Home
Event Location: Cedar Creek
Event Subjects: Worm farming, composting, waste reduction, worm castings application methods, simple easy DIY worm farms made from the waste stream.
Event Suiting Ages: Adults
Comments:A terrific night, enjoyed by many.
Landcare Field Day - Aerated Castings Tea Application To Grazing Crops - Esk - March 2019
Event Completed By Brian The Worm Man
Event Date: March 2019
Event Name: Landcare Field Day: Aerated Castings Tea & Application To Grazing Crops
Event Location: Esk
Event Subjects: Worm farming, worm castings application methods, Aerated Castings Tea & Application To Grazing Crops.
Event Suiting Ages: Adults
Comments: I was invited to come to a field day by Landcare.
The subject was Aerated Castings Tea and application to grazing crops.
I supplied worm castings (worm poo) for them to make an 800 litre batch of Aerated Castings Tea.
The members had some interesting questions and were very interested.
Remember, a 180 litre batch of Aerated Tea, made from 17 litres of worm cast can be applied to over 10 acres of land !
To make that smaller, 1 cup of castings can make tea to apply to up to a quarter of an acre !
Tea makes the castings go a LOT further and brings the valuable microbial biology to the party.
Master Composters Course - Brisbane - March 2019
Event Completed By Brian The Worm Man
Event Date: March 2019
Event Name: Master Composters (BCC Certification course.)
Event Location: Brisbane
Event Subjects: Worm farming & black soldier fly composting.
Event Suiting Ages: Adults
Comments:This comment has considerable weight, given that the session was at a BCC Master Composters course (the first one ever run) - and Carolyn is an experienced composting educator - so her kind words mean a lot.
"A big thankyou from Whitehill Garden Club.
Very informative and very knowledgeable on his worms.
I would recommend him to any club interested in composting and Vermiculture."
– Mark Steinhardt (Whitehill Garden Club, Ipswich)
Brian, not a question but a great big hug for providing so much wonderful information Just read your post on UCGs. Amazing!
I look forward to many more enjoyable and educational reads and your guides.
Wish i had this information 35 years ago when i had cows, chickens, etc. and energy to do it all.
At 77 I look forward to incorporating as much as I can which is a lot. I'm a doer.
So keep the news coming
Posted in the ask-a-question system by Mary Anne: