Contact-Free Curbside Collection

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NEW – Contact Free Curbside Collection

I have setup a contact free curbside collection system.
This is due to the restrictions coming into place and that I see a need for some people to still be able to pickup worms, to feed to pets for example.
This service will remain open as long as it is legal to do so.
If you feel safer doing a contact free pickup, we can arrange that (we will stay in the house while you collect the worms.)
You can pay with credit card, paypal or even cash.

You Can Also Get Worms Delivered By Expresspost

Go to the online shop to order at:


FIRST, Please Contact Me To Place Your Order

Please contact me to organise a suitable pickup time BEFORE ordering – someone has to be available to pick your worms fresh for your order and to make them available at the right time for you to collect.

THEN you have to follow my instructions on which payment system to use.
Credit cards go via one system, with Square – a secure credit card processing company (details when you contact me to order.)
If you want to pay via paypal, I have to generate an invoice and email it to you for pre payment.


Haven’t Got A Credit Card Or Paypal?

If you haven’t got PayPal or a credit card and still want to do contact free collection, we can still maintain physical distancing.
If you would be so kind as to bring the correct money for you order to make the process simpler.
We will put the worms down and stand well back for you to come into the pickup area.
You leave your money and walk away.


All-New Buckets Supplied For Any Contact Free Pickups

Normally we would like to see repeat customers bring back their old bucket to be refilled.
In these troublesome times and to reinforce the idea behind the contact-less collection, we will give out new buckets with any contactless order.

(Smaller composting worm orders are usually supplied in a repurposed container from margarine or yoghurt, which is washed out properly before use – so they are clean but still contributing to re-purposing/recycling. Larger contact free orders will be supplied in a new bait bucket.)


Price List For Collections From Collingwood Park