5 gallon bucket worm bin

Kyle Bagley asked 5 years ago

What is your opinion on a 5 gallon bucket worm bin and how many pounds of worms and what kind of worms could you use in a 5 gallon bucket?

1 Answers
wormadmin Staff answered 5 years ago

Hi Kyle

They arent ideal as worms like surface area more than depth.
But if they are what you have and you want to use them, they are okay.

They are generally about 3/4 of a square foot, so a max population of 1.5 lbs is possible – but more likely to be 3/4 to 1 pound.

So you can seed them with as few as a small handfull ofworms, up to about half a pound for a quicker start.

Be careful, you need to still feed in moderation, according to your population size etc.

As to species, whatever composting species you like – I would put mixed composting worms in here, for composting.

Thanks for asking your question