Fishing worms

Annette asked 5 years ago

i live in WA and would love to start a small business selling fishing worms. ( night crawlers)
just wondering  were I start, what would you recommend? I know you can’t bring in night crawlers to WA but I noticed you mentioned a tax to get them in. I would like to bring some In and just see how well they sell as long as it legal.
do you sell a ready made set up for growing fishing worms 
i look forward to hearing from you 
kind regards 

1 Answers
wormadmin Staff answered 5 years ago

Hi Annette

The issues with quarantine are:
– they cant tell you how long the process takes
– they charge like a wounded bull in 15 minute increments
– on top of that I have to tell them what PLANE the shipment will be on – and how do I even DO THAT I dont know.
– Best guess is $200-$500 quarantine fees – and how do I know which plane theyd be on – I’d probably get arrested for trying to find out that info, lol

I dont have a setup I recommend or sell for raising bait – this is my business and I dont give away the secrets Ive learned over many years of experimenting to find what works eg my own system. I freely teach about composting worms, so thats a good place for you to start.

On top of that you want to make a business – so the only way I’d come into that would be as a paid consultant.
You can find more details about my consulting process here:

If you wanted to come to Brisbane, I am running composting workshops (for home farms, but as I said, a good place to start learning) – details here:

Sorry I can’t be more helpful – as far as I know literally NO ONE ships worms into WA.

Thanks for asking your questions
