How to attract earthworms into my yard

Questions List – Questions & Answers About WormsCategory: gardeningHow to attract earthworms into my yard
Kyle bagley asked 6 years ago

Which one would naturally attract earthworms and which one do they prefer a compost pit or compost Trench?

1 Answers
wormadmin Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi Kyle,
Basically, a trench is just a pit that is longer than it is wide.
So, I would have to say that the pit will probably draw more worms in as it is across more of your yard.
And yes, a composting pit or trench will help draw in and nourish native earthworms and the many small insects that help make healthy soils.
It will also help grow the population of any composting worms found in your yard, especially if you find, like me, that the little buggers are everywhere under things in the yard (from years of farming worms and some escaping, or growing from cocoons in the VC)
BUT I would warn you – it may also draw in vermin like rats and mice – and these in turn may draw in snakes.
So be careful about burying food waste willy-nilly in your garden.
A better option may be a garden feeding station. I have a video on mine and how I did it:

Thanks very much for asking your question