
Luana Hiebert asked 6 years ago

I have worms in a bathtub that drains well. One end of the tub is filled with wet leaves and the worms seem to like them. They all congregate at that end of the bed, but I have a huge amount of pot worms, in spite of using ground eggshells. Are the leaves too acidic?

1 Answers
wormadmin Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi Luana

Pot worms get a bad reputation for some reason. They are a part of the composting team, helping to break materials down.

It could be slightly acidic – the decomposition process turns the bedding slightly acidic.

It could be just because you have a large farm like a bath tub, and they congregate in one area that you think you have a lot, but they are in proportion to your bin size.

My guess would be to use a little more buffer and to acknowledge they are beneficials.

Hope that answers your question

Thanks for asking
