Rabbit Pellets

Brandon asked 5 years ago

My son has a small rabbit operation and we would like to design a worm farm to process poop. He has about 20 rabbits in climate controlled room with wash down cages which he cleans daily. The poop\feed waste is pretty wet. What would be the best long term system to have? This will be an indoor unit. Thanks.

1 Answers
wormadmin Staff answered 5 years ago

Hi Brandon
Thats a really hard question without some hard data.
To design a system I’d have to know a lot of info, like how much volume of waste per week is to be composted (with worms).
Do you have unlimited space?
Can you build basic stuff from wood?
You may like to have a look at a wheelie bin CFT – I show how to make a wheelie bin CFT (FREE video) on my site – if youre CFT curious, youll also find a free CFT Guide there 🙂

Or to go bigger, take a look at the wooden BEAST CFT plans.

You will have to mix some dry carbon with the material to absorb some of the liquid, or strain off the solids – really wet material is harder to deal with in a worm farm and you dont want any water leaching out of a CFT system.

Thanks for asking your question
