Feeding worms to pets – like Sting Rays, Axolotls and Bearded Dragons . . .
From time to time I am asked to supply worms for feeding to pets.
Some pets that we have been asked about are Axolotls.
We have also been asked to supply for a sting ray breeder.
Generally speaking, the best worms we have found for pets are the African Night Crawlers. Just like we recommend for fishing bait.
You can see one of our customers feeding his axolotl here:

Bait worms – African Night Crawlers
Interested In Buying Worms?
You can buy worms from us locally – call Brian on 0419 419 572.
POSTING Worms Around Australia
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Why Aren’t “Normal” Composting Worms As Good For Pets – Or For Fishing?
One of the breeds of worms that are in composting worm mixes are commonly known as Red Worms, or Tiger worms.
Their scientific name is Eisinea fetida.
The fetid part of the name refers to the fetid, or “garlic-like” liquid that they exude when upset. (The term fetid means “foul stench”.)
This “foul liquid” – while not particularly noticeable to US, may deter fish and pets from being attracted to them.
Fish have been known to “spit out” the bait.
Axolotls are known to be a little fussy. If you have tried your “axie” on worms and he didn’t like them – this may be the cause.
Testimonials from happy customers:
For more information on the different worm species – you can check my BLOG post – HERE:
Interested In Buying Worms?
You can buy worms from us locally – call Brian on 0419 419 572.
POSTING Worms Around Australia
See the SHOP:
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